Shop Production Time
? minutes
Simoleons/minute (Based on Above Production Time)
Made with love!
Churros is the 2nd item unlocked in the Dessert Shop . The Dessert Shop is unlocked at Level 55, the fourteenth commercial building to be unlocked.
Prices [ ]
Total Time to Produce Churros [ ]
Churros can be produced in ? minutes (?) in ? stages without using the Global Trade HQ or a Speed-Up Token. Based on this production time, the simoleons/minute is ?. (High-tech Factories and 3-star shops were used for these calculations. )
Stage 1 - 3 hours [ ]
One Factory
Produce Metal (2) - 1 minute
Produce Wood (2) - 3 minutes
Produce Plastic (2) - 9 minutes
Produce Seeds (4) - 20 minutes
Produce Textiles (4) - 180 minutes
After Plastic is produced
Stage 2 - 48 minutes [ ]
Stage 3 - ? minutes [ ]
Shop Production Time | Simoleons per min. [ ]
Materials Required [ ]
Used In [ ]
Item Used In
Quantity Required
Production Time
Level Available
Related Contest of Mayors Tasks [ ]
Points per Item
Amount of Items