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Limited Time Building!
This building is only obtainable during certain events. However, it can still be built if you have already obtained it. It is currently not available.
Some of the information on this page may have been sourced from the SCBI building archive.

Farm Shop is a Limited Time Commercial Building. It is available during the summer holiday season. It cannot be upgraded.


From June 7, 2022 to August 29, 2022

Price: Free

Adding Slots[]

The Farm Shop follows the same pattern for adding slots as most other Commerical Buildings.

Farm Shop Slots Costs
Slot 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
SimCash Cost 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56
Total SimCash Cost 8 22 42 68 100 138 182 232 288

Items Produced[]

Farm Shop can produce 5 Items.

Items Produced
Item Items Required Time (Default)
Farmer's HayforkFarmer's Hayfork x1 PlanksPlanks, x1 Measuring TapeMeasuringtape, x1 MetalMetal image 20 Minutes
Box of GrapesBox of Grapes x3 SeedsSeeds, x1 WoodWood, x1 HammerHammer 15 Minutes
Wool ShirtWool Shirt x2 TextilesTextiles, x1 Measuring TapeMeasuringtape 1 Hour, 15 Minutes
Picnic BasketPicnic Basket x1 Fruit and BerriesFruit and Berries , x2 TextilesTextiles, x1 GlueGlue 2 Hours
Apple JamApple Jam x3 SeedsSeeds, x1 GlassGlass, x1 Flour BagFlour Bag 1 Hour, 40 Minutes



• "Farming activities are waiting for you, Mayor! Farm Shop is now open!

• "Hurry up! Farm Shop is closing soon."


• "Mayor! Build the Farm Shop, and bring the farming landscape to your citizens!" Construction Sim when clicking on the Farm Shop Tip.


• The notifications for the Farm Shop opening and closing appear when items are produced in the Farm Shop.

• The notification "TID_NOTIFICATION_FARM_SHOP_OPEN" appeared when the 1.42.0 update first released. It was fixed in the 1.42.1 update.

