The Global Trade HQ (Often abbreviated GTHQ) is where you can buy items from other players for Simoleons. It is unlocked when reaching 10,000 population. There are 20 items visible when opening the GTHQ and each rotation lasts for 30 seconds. All industrial, commercial, and special items are visible in the GTHQ. OMEGA, War, and Railway Items are not. When in City Design Challenges you can visit the GTHQ by clicking the button on the left side of the screen. When purchasing an item you will be taken to that players city and can look around in it. Sometimes you will also find a gift bubble which will give you a small reward. You will also be able to see what other items the player is selling in their Trade Depot.
• Sugar and Spice will be really common in the GTHQ after unlocking it.
• Mountain Items will be really common in the GTHQ after unlocking it.
• Sometimes when visiting a player's city you will be taken to an empty region and it will say the player is called Rising Sun Valley and is level 0. However after clicking on the player's profile you will see their actual name and level.
• Some players may not be able to see the items from limited time commercial buildings after the shop closes.